AI Powered Earth Data & Intelligence Ecosystem.

EO3 is a decentralized Web3 ecosystem for Earth Data & Intelligence (EDI) digital assets. Planet Information & Insights from Space, the Ground, the Air, and the Oceans. We are building the tools to connect data creators, app developers, insight developers, and the user (purchaser) communities, with verification nodes to validate and distribute data & insights.

Earth Data & Intelligence touches every aspect of our daily lives from the movement of food & commodities to understanding the effects of climate change.

We live in a highly volatile world, with disruptions affecting daily life & business. Constant adjustments require continuous access to data and intelligence. Data and the intelligence derived from it are traditionally deeply centralized, restricting monetization opportunities for creators and limiting access to valuable data for those who urgently need it.


Earth Data & Intelligence is Information & Insights  from Space, the Ground, the Air, the Oceans & People about our physical environment

Data creators face a vast chasm to connect with user needs: oceans of data remain underused as monetization and application development lag behind need.

 Centralized giants monopolize intelligence extraction, sidelining mass market users and stifling industry evolution.

Blockchain Integration: Securing EDI Digital Assets with EO3

EO3 delivers an innovative blockchain framework for a unique asset class, combining the privacy of a private network with the transparency of a public chain.

With an Eigen Layer on ETH EO3 ensures the utmost security and privacy for data sharing which is imperitave for this asset class. This layer enables computations on encrypted data, accessible only to authorized entities, through smart contracts that manage access and data sharing protocols.

To maintain transparency, metadata about the EDI digital assets within the private network are listed on the Ethereum public chain. Smart contracts on Ethereum record this metadata, providing a transparent, verifiable link back to the private network's assets without compromising sensitive data.

This dual-layer approach marries data privacy with public trust, leveraging blockchain technology to safeguard digital assets while ensuring their authenticity and existence are transparent and verifiable.

AI Empowerment from EO3: Transforming Earth Data into Action.

EO3 will harness the power of AI to redefine user interaction with Earth observation data. Our future AI-driven UX will simplify complex global data interactions, offering intuitive, user-friendly interfaces that enhance the ability to navigate, comprehend, and apply vast Earth data. Through personalization and automation, EO3 will enable real-time analytics, predictive insights, and tailored solutions. This approach will make Earth data more accessible and actionable for diverse stakeholders, including researchers, policymakers, and businesses, driving informed decisions and innovative solutions for global challenges.

Start with a simple request.

AI will deliver the answer.
